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Список научных публикаций, в которых изложены основные научные результаты диссертации

  1. Baraffe I., Vorobyov E. I., Chabrier G. “Observed luminosity spread in young clusters and FU Ori stars: a unified picture”// Astrophysical Journal, 2012, Volume 756, 118 (первый квартиль)
  2. Basu S., Vorobyov E. I. “A hybrid scenario for the formation of brown dwarfs and very low mass stars”// Astrophysical Journal, 2012, Volume 750, 30 (первый квартиль)
  3. Dunham M. M., Vorobyov E. I. “Resolving the luminosity problem in low-mass star formation”// Astrophysical Journal, 2012, Volume747, 52 (первый квартиль)
  4. Vorobyov E. I. “Formation of giant planets and brown dwarfs on wide orbits”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013, Volume 552, 129 (первый квартиль)
  5. Vorobyov E. I., DeSouza A. L., Basu S. “The burst mode of accretion in primordial protostars”// Astrophysics Journal, 2013, Volume 768, 131 (первый квартиль)
  6. Vorobyov E. I., Zakhozhay O. V., Dunham M. M. “Fragmenting protostellar discs: properties and observational signatures”// Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013, Volume 433, 3256 (первый квартиль)
  7. Vorobyov E. I., Baraffe I., Harries T., Chabrier G. “The effect of episodic accretion on the phase transition of CO and CO2 in low-mass star formation”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013, Volume 557, 35 (первый квартиль)
  8. Dunham M. M., Vorobyov E. I., Arce H. R. “On the reliability of protostellar disc mass measurements and the existence of fragmenting discs”// Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, Volume 444, 887 (первый квартиль)
  9. Vorobyov E. I. and Basu S. “Variable protostellar accretion with episodic bursts”// Astrophysics Journal, 2015, Volume 805, 115 (первый квартиль)
  10. Vorobyov E. I., Lin D. N. C., Guedel M. “The effect of external environment on the evolution of protostellar disks”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015, Volume 573, 5 (первый квартиль)
  11. Vorobyov E. I., Regaly Z., Guedel M., Lin D. N. C. “An alternative model for the origin of gaps in circumstellar disks”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, Volume 587, 146 (первый квартиль)
  12. Liu H. B., Takami M., Kudo T., Hashimoto J., Dong R., Vorobyov E. I., et al. “Circumstellar disks of the most vigorously accreting young stars”// Science Advances, 2016, Volume 2, No. 2, 1500875 (первый квартиль)
  13. Dong R., Vorobyov E. I., Pavlyuchenkov Y., et al. “Signatures of gravitational instability in resolved images of protostellar disks”// Astrophysics Journal, 2016, Volume 823, 141 (первый квартиль)
  14. Sakurai Y., Vorobyov E. I., Hosokawa T., Yoshida N., Omukai K., Yorke H. W. “Supermassive star formation via episodic accretion: protostellar disc instability and radiative feedback efficiency”// Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016, Volume 459, 1137 (первый квартиль)
  15. Vorobyov E. I. “Ejection of gaseous clumps from gravitationally unstable protostellar disks”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, Volume 590, 115 (первый квартиль)
  16. Vorobyov E. I., Steinrueck M. E., Elbakyan V., Guedel M. “Formation of freely floating sub-stellar objects via close encounters”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, Volume 608, 107 (первый квартиль)
  17. Liu H. B., Vorobyov E. I., Dong R., Dunham M. M., Takami M., et al. “A concordant scenario to explain FU Orionis from deep centimeter and millimeter interferometric observations”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, Volume 602, 19 (первый квартиль)
  18. Vorobyov E. I., Elbakyan V. Hosokawa T. Sakurai Y., Guedel M., Yorke H. “Effect of accretion on the pre-main-sequence evolution of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, Volume 605, 77 (первый квартиль)
  19. Meyer D. M.-A., Vorobyov E. I., Kuiper R., Kley W. “On the existence of accretion-driven bursts in massive star formation”// Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, Volume 464, L90 (первый квартиль)
  20. Vorobyov E. I., Pavlyuchenkov Y. N. “Improving the thin-disk models of circumstellar disk evolution. The 2+1-dimensional model”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, Volume 606, 5 (первый квартиль)
  21. Vorobyov E. I., Elbakyan V. G. “Gravitational fragmentation and formation of giant protoplanets on orbits of tens of au”// Astronomy Astrophysics, 2018, Volume 618, 7 (первый квартиль)
  22. Vorobyov E. I., Elbakyan V. G., Plunkett A. L., Dunham M. M., Audard,M., Guedel M., Dionatos O. “Knotty protostellar jets as a signature of episodic protostellar accretion?”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018, Volume 613, 18 (первый квартиль)
  23. Vorobyov, E. I., Akimkin, V., Stoyanovskaya, O. P., Pavlyuchenkov, Y., and Liu, H. B. “Early evolution of viscous and self-gravitating circumstellar disks with a dust component”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018, Volume 614, 98 (первый квартиль)
  24. Kadam K., Vorobyov E. I., Reg´aly Z., K´osp´al, A., ´Abrah´am P. “Dynamical gaseous rings in global simulations of protoplanetary disk formation”// Astrophysics Journal, 2019, Volume 882, 96 (первый квартиль)
  25. Vorobyov E. I., Elbakyan V. G. “Gravitoviscous protoplanetary disks with a dust component II. Spatial distribution and growth of dust in a clumpy disk”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019, Volume 631, 1 (первый квартиль)
  26. Meyer D. M.-A., Vorobyov E. I., Elbakyan V. G., Stecklum B., Eisloeffel J., Sobolev A. M. “Burst occurrence in young massive stellar objects”// Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019, Volume 482, 5459 (первый квартиль)
  27. Kadam K., Vorobyov E. I., Reg´aly Z., K´osp´al A., ´Abrah´am P. “Outbursts in global protoplanetary disk simulations”// Astrophysics Journal, 2020, Volume 895, 41 (первый квартиль)
  28. Vorobyov E. I., Matsukoba R., Omukai K., Guedel M. “Thermal evolution of protoplanetary disks: from β-cooling to decoupled gas and dust temperatures”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020, Volume 638, 102 (первый квартиль)
  29. Vorobyov E. I., Elbakyan V. G., Takami M., Liu H. B. “Effect of luminosity outbursts on protoplanetary disk dynamics”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020, Volume 643, 13 (первый квартиль)
  30. Vorobyov E. I., Khaibrakhmanov S., Basu S., Audard M. “Accretion bursts in magnetized gas-dust protoplanetary disks”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020, Volume 644, 74 (первый квартиль)
  31. Vorobyov E. I., Elbakyan V. G., Omukai K., Hosokawa T., Matsukoba R., Guedel M. “Accretion bursts in low-metallicity protostellar disks”//Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020, Volume 641, 72 (первый квартиль)
  32. Meyer D. M.-A., Vorobyov E. I., Elbakyan V. G., Eisloeffel J., Sobolev A. M., Stoehr M. “Parameter study for the burst mode of accretion in massive star formation”// Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, Volume 500, 4448 (первый квартиль)
  33. Matsukoba R., Vorobyov E. I., Sugimura K., Chon S., Hosokawa T., Omukai K. “Disc fragmentation and intermittent accretion on to supermassive stars”// Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, Volume 500, 4126 (первый квартиль)
  34. Kadam K., Vorobyov E. I., and K´osp´al A. “Eruptive behavior of magnetically layered protoplanetary disks in low-metallicity environments”// Astrophysics Journal, 2021, Volume 909, 31 (первый квартиль)
  35. Vorobyov E. I., Elbakyan V. G., Liu H. B., Takami M. “Distinguishing between different mechanisms of FU-Orionis-type luminosity outbursts”// Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2021, Volume 647, 44 (первый квартиль)
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