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Posts by: Елена Баканас

Seminar Minor bodies of the Solar system (25.10.2017, 15:00)

Date: 25.10.2017., 15:00 Sign up for the seminar 1. Speakers: Dr Kuzin S.P., Dr Kluykov A.A., Dr Ebauer K.V. (INASAN).  Title: Report on the research work “Challenge-Perspective-3-INASAN” Abstract: Scientific and technical justification of the need and possibilities of the creation a perspective global monitoring system of geodetic parameters of the Earth (GMSGPE) in the analysis

Seminar Minor bodies of the Solar system (05.07.2017, 15:00)

Date: 05.07.2017., 15:00 Sign up for the seminar 1. Speakers: Dr. T.Yu. Galushina (TSU), Dr. P.V. Skripnichenko (UrFU), А.А. Shagabutdinov (UrFU) Title: Dynamics of the near-Sunasteroids Abstract: This paper is devoted to the dynamics of asteroids with perihelion distances less than 0.15 au.Nowthereare 35 such asteroids.Our results lead to the conclusion that in order to describe

Seminar Minor bodies of the Solar system (31.05.2017, 15:00)

Date: 31.05.2017., 15:00 Sign up for the seminar 1. Speaker: S.S. Efimov (MIPT), Dr. D.A.Pritykin (MIPT), Dr. V.V.Sidorenko (Keldysh Institute, MIPT)  Title: “Attitude motion of large space debris in sun-synchronous orbits: simulation of long-term evolution.” Abstract: Space debris is becoming an increasingly serious problem for any activity in near space. Forecasts indicate only the worsening of

Seminar Minor bodies of the Solar system (26.04.2017, 15:00)

Date: 26.04.2017., 15:00 Sign up for the seminar Speaker: Chuvashov Ivan Nikolaevich (TSU) Title: “Numerical simulation of the problems of satellite orbital dynamics using parallel computations.” Abstract: The report presents the results that allow, based on measurements, to determine the parameters of the light pressure force model for GNSS objects (Global Navigation Satellite Systems). The features

Seminar Minor bodies of the Solar system (29.03.2017, 15:00)

Date: 29.03.2017., 15:00 Sign up for the seminar Speaker: N.S. Bakhtigaraev and P.A. Levkina INASAN Title: “Optical observations of the high-orbit space objects’s maneuvers.” Abstract: Institute of astronomy of Russian Academy of Sciences (former Astronomical Council, USSR Academy of Sciences) deals with optical observations of space objects (SO) since the launch of the first artificial satellite

Seminar Minor bodies of the Solar system (25.01.2017, 15:00)

Date: 25 января 2017., 15:00 Sign up for the seminar   Speaker-1: V.A. Leonov (INASAN), A.V.Bagrov (INASAN), A.K.Murtazov (AO Ryazan State University named after S.A.Yessenin ) Title: “The photometric catalogue for the study of the meteor brightness obtained with wide-angle cameras” Abstract: Abstract is available in Russian version.   Speaker-2: A.V. Bagrov, V.A. Leonov (INASAN) Title: “Improving

Minor bodies of the Solar system (30.11.2016, 15:00)

Date: 30.11 2016., 15:00 To request a pass to the seminar Speaker: Andrey K. Murtazov, Institute of Astrophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. Title: Methodic support for near space optical monitoring expert systems. Doctoral dissertation. Abstract: The system analysis of near space contamination optical monitoring problem is done.Organization of data

Minor bodies of the Solar system (26.10.2016, 15:00)

Date: 26.10 2016., 15:00 To request a pass to the seminar Speaker: Khamroev Umed, Institute of Astrophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. Title: Asteroid-meteoroid complex of Sigma-Capricornids. Abstract: Investigation of physical and dynamical features of the Sigma-Capricornid meteoroids by the results of observations as well the determination of NEAs associated

Seminar. Minor Bodies of the Solar System (27.04.2016, 15:00)

    Speaker: Full doctor of sciences Gusyakov V. K. (ICMMG) Title: Largest natural disasters during the Holocene and their relation with the asteroid and comet hazard   Speakers: Full doctor of sciences Emel’yanenko N.Yu. and Dr. Naroenkov S.A. (INASAN) Title: Low-speed asteroids closer to Earth. Compare with the Moon  

Семинар № 30 (30.03.2016,15:00)

Семинар «Проблемы происхождения и эволюции кометно-астероидного вещества в Солнечной системе и проблема астероидной опасности» (30.03.2016, 15:00) Дата: 30 марта 2016., 15:00 Заказать пропуск на семинар Докладчик: к. г.-м. н. Слюта Е.Н. (ГЕОХИ РАН) Название доклада: Гравитационная деформация малых тел Cолнечной системы Краткое содержание доклада: Рассматриваются параметры фигуры каменных астероидов S- и С-типа, металлических астероидов и

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