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HPAI (High precision astronomical installation)

D in. = 50 cm
D prim.mirr. =107 cm
Аperture = 70 cm
Detector = film 
Mount = triaxial tracking
Main tasks: ISS and celestial bodies (asteroids, comets) observation, space surveillance. Currently used as a mount for a reflector telescope with a mirror (d = of 50 cm), equipped with a CCD matrix FLI PL 9000.

 In 2009, a new optical-electronic instrument for Near-Earth objects (NEOs) was put into operation. Instrument consists of a telescope “Santel-500”, made to order by A.V. Sankovich (JSC “Santel-M”);. the light receiver: CCD matrix – FLI PL-9000 (3056 x 3056 pixels,12 x 12 microns). The telescope replaces the Central guide on the HPAI.
The implemented time control system for the CCD was created at the Pulkovo Observatory of the RAS on the basis of a GPS. Software for the CCD camera control and frame processing was also provided by the Pulkovo Observatory.

Characteristics of the new telescope:

  • aperture=0.5 m,
  • focus = 1.25 m,
  • field of view = 100 x100 arc minutes,
  • limitting of magnitude = -18

All the guidance and tracking capabilities of the HPAI mount are preserved: the telescope can track both slowly moving space bodies like comets and asteroids and fast-moving low-orbit satellites with great accuracy.

ZEISS – 600

D = 60 cm
F = 70 cm
Detectors= S1C, FLI PL 9000
Main tasks: small bodies of the Solar system and variable stars observations, photometry of GSS, light receivers testing, spectroscopic observations of ISS and asteroid watch, educational and methodical equipment for spectrometry studies.



D = 40 cm
F = 200 cm
Detector = plates 30 х 30cm
Main tasks: photographic positional observations of small bodies of the Solar system. Currently used for educational purposes.



In 1994 the Observatory was included in the system of continuously operating stations of the IGS (International geophysical service). GPS receiver SNR-8000 was installed on the territory.


The meteor camera (PatrolCa) was installed at the Zvenigorod observatory in 2011. Camera co-operates with other cameras: at the station “Istra” and the Geophysical observatory Mikhnevo (IDG RAS).

Type = CCD 1/2″ Watec LCL-902H Ultimate
FOV=50°х 40° 

Limit of magnitude (for meteors)≈ +4.0m

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