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Seminar Minor bodies of the Solar system (29.03.2017, 15:00)

Опубликовано: 23/03/2017

Date: 29.03.2017., 15:00

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Speaker: N.S. Bakhtigaraev and P.A. Levkina


Title: “Optical observations of the high-orbit space objects’s maneuvers.”


Institute of astronomy of Russian Academy of Sciences (former Astronomical Council, USSR Academy of Sciences) deals with optical observations of space objects (SO) since the launch of the first artificial satellite in 1957. This presentation discusses some results of observations of maneuvers in Terskol and Zvenigorod observatories of INASAN. Large aperture astrophysical telescopes allows to identify the features of the maneuvers wich are difficult to detect by using smaller telescopes. With the help of the telescope Zeiss-2000 Terskol observatory observed a convergence to a few arc seconds of low-sized object (with the 17-th star magnitude) with large spacecraft. Large focal length telescopes allows to resolve the images of two close objects. Some of these maneuvers were done planning at the launch of the satellite on the orbit.  Also were observed the maneuvers of unknown purpose, including with the appearance of the gas cloud near the spacecraft.

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