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Archives for 2022

Ученый совет 11.07.2022 в 11:00

Уважаемые коллеги! Очередное заседание Ученого совета ИНАСАН состоится в понедельник 11 июля в 11:00 в удаленном формате.

Astrophysical Seminar (7 July 2022, 11:00)

The seminar will be held in a mixed format 1) Speaker: E.A. Kuznetsova (Space Research Institute) Title: “X-ray emission of the diffuse interstellar medium and stellar remnants in the Central part of the Galaxy” Abstract: see Russian version Sign up for the seminar

Astrophysical Seminar (30 June 2022, 11:00)

The seminar will be held in a mixed format 1) Speaker: M.D. Sizova (INASAN) Title: “Kinematics of stellar streams, clusters and their decay products with Gaia data” Abstract: see Russian version Sign up for the seminar

Astrophysical Seminar (23 June 2022, 11:00)

The seminar will be held in a mixed format 1) Speaker: S.A. Drozdov (ASC LPI) Title: “IR and submm emission features of the inner regions of galaxies” Abstract: see Russian version Sign up for the seminar

Seminar 15.06.2022 15:00

Author: A.A. Ibragimov – Institute of Astrophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan Title:Cometocentric coordinates of the tail of comets C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) and C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) Abstract: The paper presents an algorithm for determining cometocentric coordinates using the Stumpf method. The measurement errors and conditions that increase the accuracy of the perspective projection of the

Astrophysical Seminar (9 June 2022, 11:00)

The seminar will be held in a mixed format 1) Speaker: A.F. Zakharov (ITEP, JINR) Title: “Shadows in the vicinity of the Galactic Center and in M87* as new tests of general relativity” Abstract: see Russian version Sign up for the seminar

Поздравляем Д.В. Бисикало с избранием действительным членом РАН!

Коллектив сотрудников Института астрономии РАН сердечно поздравляет и.о. главного ученого секретаря РАН, главного научного сотрудника ИНАСАН Дмитрия Валерьевича Бисикало с избранием действительным членом РАН!   Ссылка на страницу “Выборы -2022” на сайте РАН: http://www.ras.ru/news/shownews.aspx?id=324a4904-27bb-47cf-bc52-9a683ddab842#content

Astrophysical Seminar (2 June 2022, 11:00)

The seminar will be held in a mixed format 1) Speaker: I.I. Baliukin (IKI RAS) Title: “Specific features of neutral component distribution in the heliosphere and the Earth’s exosphere” Abstract: see Russian version

Семинар “Малые тела Солнечной системы” (18.05.2022 в 15:00)

Abstract: Currently, considerable attention is being paid to the problem of asteroid-comet hazard. This is largely due to the development of observational tools that allow the discovery of thousands of near-Earth asteroids annually. One of the most important tasks is to predict possible impacts with the Earth. In addition, a number of spacecrafts are operating on the Moon

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