Seminar (02.03.2022, 15:00)
Опубликовано: 21/02/20221) Speaker:
RAKHMATULLAEVA Firuza Jamshedovna
Investigation of the dynamic and physical properties of a sample of active minor bodies of the Solar system based on optical observations
The results of a study of minor bodies of the Solar system showing activity that is not characteristic of them will be presented. The purpose of the work is to identify activity of objects, to determine the dynamic and physical properties and possible reasons of activity, to establish their nature and origin. To solve this problem, optical observations of a sample of active asteroids and comets were made at the Sanglokh astronomical observatory of the Institute of Astrophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Lesniki station of the Astronomical Observatory of the T.G. Shevchenko Kyiv National University, the astrometric and photometric processing of the obtained images was carried out using update utilities that allow obtaining detailed information about the features of the manifested signs of activity.
Activity was confirmed for most objects; new data were obtained on the dynamic and physical properties of objects from relatively recently discovered new families of minor bodies of the Solar System – active asteroids (AA), main belt comets (MBC), Centaurs, objects with dual status. Possible mechanisms responsible for the observed activity are considered and conclusions about a nature of the studied objects are drawn. In particular, a cometary nature of the active asteroid (3552) Don Quixote and the dual-status object 2008 GO98 was established, and the active object (596) Sheila was shown to be a primordial asteroid. The outburst activity of comet 29P from the Centaur group was confirmed, similarities in the nature of activity were revealed, confirming a validity of the proposed reason of outbursts of the comet at distant heliocentric distances. An analysis of the dynamics and activity of comet P/2019 LD2 confirmed that it is at the stage of transition from the Centaur group to Jupiter family comets. New information contributes to a better understanding of a nature and origin of objects from various populations of minor bodies of the Solar System, as well as to identify commonalities and differences between them.