Membership List for 2013
This list has been updated after the IAU organized the registration of the IAU members in December of 2012.
This list has been updated after the IAU organized the registration of the IAU members in December of 2012.
- Check your entry here as well as the complete listing and correct if necessary.
- Notify the Commission 14 President of the names of members who are deceased, retired and inactive, or who now have other research interests.
This is a concise list; information is intentionally limited in order to minimize intrusions.
Detailed address information, including complete address, telephone number, and e-mail address can be obtained from the on-line directory at the main IAU site.
Last name | Middle name | First name | Organization | Country |
Pilling | Sergio | UNIVAP (Univ. do Vale do Paraiba), IP&D | Brazil | |
Adelman | J. | Saul | The Citadel, Physics Dept | USA |
Afram | Nadine | Switzerland | ||
Aggarwal | Mal | Kanti | Queen’s Univ of Belfast, Dept of Pure & Applied Physics | UK |
Allard | France | Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, UMR5574 | France | |
Allard | Nicole | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Allen Jr | E. | John | NASA/GSFC | USA |
Allende Prieto | Carlos | Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias | Spain | |
Arduini_Malinovsky | Monique | CNES | France | |
Arion | Norman | Douglas | Carthage College | USA |
Balanca | Christian | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudo, LERMA | France | |
Banerjee | Dipankar | Indian Institute of Astrophysics | India | |
Barber | J. | Robert | UK | |
Barklem | S. | Paul | Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy | Sweden |
Barnbaum | Cecilia | Valdosta State Univ, Physics-Astronomy Dept | USA | |
Bartaya | A. | R | Academy of Sciences, Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory | Georgia |
Bautista | A. | Manuel | Western Michigan University, Department of Physics | USA |
Bayet | Estelle | Univerisity College London | UK | |
Behar | Ehud | Technion | Israel | |
Beiersdorfer | Peter | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | USA | |
Bely-Dubau | Francoise | Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, Nice Siиge Social | France | |
Bhardwaj | Anil | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Planetary Science Branch, Space Physics Laboratory | India | |
Biйmont | Emile | Universitй de Liиge, IPNAS | Belgium | |
Black | Harry | John | Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Earth and Space Sciences | Sweden |
Blackwell-Whitehead | John | Richard | Lund Observatory | Sweden |
Bodewits | Dennis | University of Maryland, College Park | USA | |
Boechat-Roberty | M. | Heloisa | Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, Observatorio do Valongo | Brazil |
Bommier | Veronique | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon | France | |
Borysow | Aleksandra | Niels Bohr Institute/Copenhagen Univ | Denmark | |
Branscomb | M. | L. | Harvard University | USA |
Bromage | E. | Gordon | University of Central Lancashire | UK |
Buchlin | Eric | CNRS | France | |
Carbon | F. | Duane | NASA/ARC | USA |
Carroll | Kevin | P | University College Dublin | Ireland |
Casasola | Viviana | INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Arcetri | Italy | |
Cazaux | Stephanie | Kapteyn institute | Netherlands | |
Chance | V. | Kelly | Harvard Smithsonian CfA | USA |
Chen | Guoming | Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS | China Nanjing | |
Chen | Vivien | Huei-Ru | Natl Tsing Hua University | China Taipei |
Christlieb | Norbert | Universitaet Heidelberg | Germany | |
Cichowolski | Silvina | I. Astronomia y Fis Espacio (IAFE) | Argentina | |
Corliss | H. | C. | Forest Hills Lab | USA |
Cornille | Marguerite | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LUTH | France | |
d’Hendecourt | Louis | Universite Paris XI, IAS | France | |
Dalgarno | Alexander | Harvard Smithsonian CfA, HCO/SAO | USA | |
de Frees | J. | Douglas | IBM Almaden Research Center | USA |
de Kertanguy | Amaury | France | ||
Delsemme | H. | Armand | Univ of Toledo | USA |
Depagne | Eric | Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik, Potsdam | Germany | |
Desesquelles | Jean | Universite de Lyon 1, Laboratoire Spectrometrie Ionique-Moleculaire | France | |
Diercksen | H.F. | Geerd | MPI fuer Astrophysik | Germany |
Dimitrijevic | S. | Milan | Astronomical Observatory | Serbia |
Dubau | Jacques | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LUTH | France | |
Dufay | Maurice | Universite de Lyon 1, Laboratoire Spectrometrie Ionique-Moleculaire | France | |
Dulieu | Francois | France | ||
Eidelsberg | Michele | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Epstein | Leo | Gabriel | NASA GSFC | USA |
Feautrier | Nicole | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Federici | Luciana | INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna | Italy | |
Federman | Steven | University of Toledo | USA | |
Filacchione | Gianrico | INAF, IAPS Institute for Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences from Space | Italy | |
Fillion | Jean-Hugues | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Fink | Uwe | Univ of Arizona, Lunar & Planetary Lab | USA | |
Flower | R. | David | Univ of Durham | UK |
Fluri | M. | Dominique | ETH Zurich, Institute of Astronomy | Switzerland |
Fraser | J. | Helen | Scottish Univ. Phys. Alliance | UK |
Fuhr | Robert | Jeffrey | NIST, Atomic Physics Division | USA |
Gabriel | H. | Alan | Universite Paris XI, IAS | France |
Gallagher III | S. | John | Univ Wisconsin Madison | USA |
Gargaud | Muriel | Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux | France | |
Garrido | Julio | Cesar | University of Panama | Panama |
Glagolevskij | V. | Juri | Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS | Russia |
Glinski | J. | Robert | Tennessee Technological University, Chemistry Department | USA |
Glover | C. O. | Simon | University of Heidelberg, Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics | Germany |
Goddi | Ciriaco | Harvard-Smithsonian CfA | USA | |
Goldbach | Claudine | Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris | France | |
Grevesse | Nicolas | Universite de Liege | Belgium | |
Hartman | Henrik | Lund Observatory | Sweden | |
Heiter | Ulrike | Uppsala University | Sweden | |
Hesser | E. | James | NRC Herzberg Inst of Astrophysics | Canada |
Hillier | John | Desmond | University of Pittsburgh | USA |
Hoang | Dy | Binh | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France |
Homeier | Derek | Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, Institut fьr Astrophysik | Germany | |
Horбcek | Jiri | Charles Univ., Inst. of Physics | Czech Republic | |
Hцrandel | Jцrg | Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands | |
House | L. | Lewis | USA | |
Huber | C.E. | Martin | Switzerland | |
Huebner | F. | Walter | Southwest Res Inst | USA |
Ignjatovi’c | M. | Ljubinko | Inst. of Physics | Serbia |
Iliev | Ilian | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | Bulgaria | |
Irwin | W. | Alan | University of Victoria | Canada |
Irwin | G.J. | Patrick G.J. | University of Oxford | UK |
Jamar | A.J. | Claude | AMOS | Belgium |
Joblin | Christine | IRAP – Universite de Toulouse [UPS] / CNRS | France | |
Johnson | R. | Donald | NIST | USA |
Johnson | M. | Fred | California State University Fullerton | USA |
Joly | Francois | Universitй de Bordeaux | France | |
Jordan | Carole | Universidade do Porto | UK | |
Jorgensen | Grеe | Uffe | Niels Bohr Institute/Copenhagen Univ | Denmark |
Jorissen | Alain | Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, IAA, Institut d’ Astronomie et d’ Astrophysique | Belgium | |
Kamp | Inga | University of Groningen, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute | Netherlands | |
Kanekar | Nissim | National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | India | |
Kaňuchovб | Zuzana | Astronomical Institute of SAS | Slovakia | |
Kato | Takako | Nagoya University | Japan | |
Kennedy | T. | Eugene | National Inst Higher Education | Ireland |
Kerber | Florian | ESO | Germany | |
Kielkopf | F. | John | University of Louisville | USA |
Kim | Joo Hyeon | Korea Aerospace Research Institute | Korea, Rep of | |
Kim | Sang Joon | Kyung Hee University | Korea, Rep of | |
Kingston | E. | Arthur | Queen’s Univ Belfast, Dept of Pure & Applied Physics | UK |
Kipper | Tonu | Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tartu Observatory | Estonia | |
Kirby | P. | Kate | Harvard Smithsonian CfA, HCO/SAO | USA |
Kohl | L. | John | Harvard Smithsonian CfA, Solar, Stellar and Planetary Sciences Division | USA |
Kramida | Alexander | NIST | USA | |
Kroto | Harold | University of Sussex | UK | |
Kuan | Yi-Jehng | National Taiwan Normal Univ. | China Taipei | |
Kupka | Friedrich | University of Vienna | Austria | |
Kurucz | L. | Robert | Harvard Smithsonian CfA, HCO/SAO | USA |
Lambert | L. | David | University of Texas Austin | USA |
Landman | A. | Donald | Mission Res Corp | USA |
Langhoff | R. | Stephenie | NASA/ARC | USA |
Launay | Franзoise | Observatoire de Paris, SYRTE | France | |
Launay | Jean-Michel | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Lawrence | M. | G | University of Colorado, LASP | USA |
Layzer | David | USA | ||
Le Bourlot | Jacques | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LUTH | France | |
Le Floch | Andre | Universite de Tours | France | |
Leach | Sydney | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Leger | Alain | Universite Paris XI, IAS | France | |
Lemaire | Jean-Louis | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Liang | Guiyun | National Astronomical Observatories China | Nanjing | |
Linnartz | Harold | Leiden University | Netherlands | |
Liu | Sheng-Yuan | Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | China Taipei | |
Lo | Wing-Chi Nadia | Universidad de Chile | Chile | |
Lobel | J. | Alex | Royal Observatory of Belgium | Belgium |
Loulergue | Michelle | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, GEPI | France | |
Lovas | John | Francis | NIST | USA |
Lucero | Marie | Danielle | University of Cape Town | South Africa |
Lutz | L. | Barry | Northern Arizona University | USA |
Mardones | Diego | Universidad de Chile | Chile | |
Martin | Sergio | European Southern Observarory | Chile | |
Martin | C. | William | NIST | USA |
Mashonkina | I. | Lyudmila | IInst of Astronomy RAS | Russia |
Mason | E. | Helen | University of Cambridge | UK |
McCall | J. | Benjamin | Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | USA |
Mickelson | E. | Michael | University of Denison | USA |
Mihajlov | A. | Anatolij | Institute of Physics | Serbia |
Mookerjea | Bhaswati | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | India | |
Morris | William | Patrick | California Institute of Technology | USA |
Morton | C. | Donald | NRC Herzberg Inst of Astrophysics | Canada |
Mumma | Jon | Michael | NASA/GSFC | USA |
Nahar | N. | Sultana | Ohio State Univ. | USA |
Nave | Gillian | NIST | USA | |
Newsom | H. | Gerald | Ohio State Univ | USA |
Nguyễn | Thi Minh | Phuong | QuyNhon University | Viet Nam |
Nicholls | W. | Ralph | York Univ | Canada |
Nielsen | E. | Krister | Catholic University of America | USA |
Nilsson | Hampus | Lund University | Sweden | |
Nollez | Gerard | France | ||
Nussbaumer | Harry | Switzerland | ||
Obi | Shinya | Japan | ||
O’Brian | R. | Thomas | University of Colorado | USA |
Oetken | L | Germany | ||
Oka | Takeshi | University of Chicago | USA | |
Omont | Alain | Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris | France | |
Orton | S. | Glenn | CALTECH/JPL | USA |
Otsuka | Masaaki | Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics | China Taipei | |
Ozeki | Hiroyuki | Toho University, Faculty of Science | Japan | |
Palmeri | Patrick | UMONS | Belgium | |
Park | Yong Sun | Seoul National University | Korea, Rep of | |
Parkinson | H. | William | Harvard Smithsonian CfA, HCO/SAO | USA |
Paron | Ariel | Sergio | IAFE | Argentina |
Peach | Gillian | University College London | UK | |
Pei | Chunchuan | Chinese Academy of Sciences, Purple Mountain Observatory | China Nanjing | |
Petrini | Daniel | Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, Nice Siиge Social | France | |
Pettini | Marco | INAF, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri | Italy | |
Pintado | Olga | INSUGEO | Argentina | |
Piacentini | Ruben | Observatorio Astronomico de Rosario | Argentina | |
Pradhan | K. | Anil | Ohio State Univ | USA |
Querci | R. | Francois | Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees | France |
Quinet | Pascal | UMH, Dept d’Astrophysique/Spectroscopie | Belgium | |
Ralchenko | Yuri | NIST | USA | |
Ramirez | M. | Jose | Inst. Venez. de Invest. Cientifica | Venezuela |
Rastogi | Shantanu | DDU GORAKHPUR UNIVERSITY | India | |
Redman | P. | Matthew | National Univ. of Ireland | Ireland |
Redman | Lewis | Stephen | NIST | USA |
Rogers | J. | Forrest | University of California | USA |
Rostas | Francois | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Roueff | M.A. | Evelyne | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LUTH | France |
Ruder | Hanns | Universitaet Tuebingen | Germany | |
Ruffle | Michael | Paul | University of Manchester | UK |
Ryabchikova | A. | Tatiana | Inst of Astronomy RAS | Russia |
Sahal-Brechot | Sylvie | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon | France | |
Salama | Farid | NASA- Ames Research Center | USA | |
Sarre | J. | Peter | Univ. of Nottingham | UK |
Savin | Wolf | Daniel | Columbia University | USA |
Schrijver | Johannes | Inst for Space Research | Netherlands | |
Schultz | R. | David | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | USA |
Semenov | A. | Dmitry | MPIA | Germany |
Sharp | Christopher | University of Arizona | USA | |
Shi | Jianrong | National Astronomical Observatories | China Nanjing | |
Shore | W. | Bruce | retired | USA |
Simić | J. | Zoran | Astronomical Observatory Belgrade | Serbia |
Sinha | Krishnanand | MANGALAM | India | |
Smith | Hayden | William | University of Washington | USA |
Song | In-Ok | Sejong University | Korea, Rep of | |
Spielfiedel | Annie | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon | France | |
Stancil | C. | Philip | University of Georgia | USA |
Stark | Glenn | Wellesley College | USA | |
Stehlй | Chantal | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Strachan | Leonard Jr | Harvard Smithsonian CfA | USA | |
Strelnitski | Vladimir | Maria Mitchell Association | USA | |
Sutherland | S. | Ralph | ANU RSAA, Mount Stromlo Observatory | Australia |
Swings | Jean-Pierre | Universitй de Liиge | Belgium | |
Takayanagi | Kazuo | Japan | ||
Tatum | B. | Jeremy | University of Victoria | Canada |
Tayal | S. | Swaraj | Clark Atlanta University | USA |
Tchang-Brillet | Lydia | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Tennyson | Jonathan | University College London | UK | |
Tozzi | Paolo | Gian | INAF, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri | Italy |
TranMinh | Nguyet | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Trefftz | E. | Eleonore | Germany | |
Tripathi | Kumar | Durgesh | IUCAA | India |
Ulyanov | M. | Oleg | Institute of Radio Astronomy | Ukraine |
van Rensbergen | Walter | Campus Oefenplein -Bureau 9F603H | Belgium | |
Varshalovich | A. | Dimitrij | RAS, AF Ioffe Physio-Technical Institute | Russia |
Vasta | Magda | INAF, Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory | Italy | |
Vidali | Gianfranco | Syracuse University | USA | |
Vavrek | Denes | Roland | European Space Agency, ESAC | Spain |
Vцlk | J. | Heinrich | MPI fuer Kernphysik | Germany |
Volonte | Sergio | ESA | France | |
Vujnovic | Vladis | University of Zagreb | Croatia | |
Wahlgren | Michael | Glenn | NASA Headquarters | USA |
Wakelam | Valentine | Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux | France | |
Wang | Feilu | National Astronomical Observatories | China Nanjing | |
Wang | Junxian | Univ. of Science and Technology | China Nanjing | |
Wang | Junzhi | Nanjing University | China Nanjing | |
Wiese | L. | Wolfgang | NIST | USA |
Wunner | Guenter | Universitaet Stuttgart, Inst Theor Physik 1 | Germany | |
Xiao | Dong | Nanjing Inst. of Astronomical Optics & Technology | China Nanjing | |
Yang | Changgen | Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy, Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics | China Nanjing | |
Yoshino | Kouichi | Harvard Smithsonian CfA, HCO/SAO | USA | |
Young | Gray | Louise | USA | |
Yu | Yan | Univ of Rochester | USA | |
Zeippen | Claude | Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, LERMA | France | |
Zeng | Qin | Chinese Academy of Sciences, Purple Mountain Observatory | China Nanjing | |
Zhao | Gang | NAOC, CAS | China Nanjing |