Организационная деятельность >> Комиссия МАС 14 >> Membership list for 2010

Membership list for 2010

This list is currently being updated. We realize that their are discrepancies between this list and the IAU members listing on the IAU website.
  1. Check your entry here as well as the complete listing and correct if necessary, since this is an important form of communication with our membership:
    • please ensure that e-mail address is provided and up-to-date.
  2. Notify the Commission 14 President of the names of members who are deceased, retired and inactive, or who now have other research interests.

This is a concise list; information is intentionally limited in order to minimize intrusions.

Detailed address information, including complete address, telephone number, and e-mail address can be obtained from the on-line directory at the main IAU site.

Adelman Saul The Citadel Charleston SC USA
Aggarwal Kanti Queen’s Univ of Belfast Belfast UK
Allard Nicole IAP Paris France
Allen Jr John NASA/GSFC Greenbelt MD USA
Arduini Monique CNES Paris France
Artru Marie-Christine CRAL ENS Lyon France
Balanca Christian Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Barnbaum Cecilia Valdosta State Univ Valdosta GA USA
Bartaya R Astrophysical Observ Tbilisi Georgia
Bautista Manuel Centro de Fisica, IVIC Caracus Venezuela
Beiersdorfer Peter Livermore National Lab Livermore CA USA
Bely-Dubau Francoise Observ Nice Nice France
Berrington Keith Queen’s Univ Belfast UK
Biemont Emile Universite Liege Liege Belgium
Black John Onsala Space Observ Onsala Sweden
Boechat-Roberty Heloisa Univ Fed Rio d Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Bommier Veronique Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Borysow Aleksandra Copenhagen Univ Copenhagen Denmark
Brault James Louisville CO USA
Bromage Gordon University Central Lancashire Preston UK
Burgess Alan Cambridge UK
Carbon Duane NASA ARC Moffett Field USA
Carroll P Univ College Dublin Ireland
Chance Kelly CfA Cambridge MA USA
Cornille Marguerite Observ DARC Meudon France
Dalgarno Alexander CfA Cambridge MA USA
Davis Sumner Univ of California Berkeley CA USA
de Frees Douglas IBM Almaden Res Cent San Jose CA USA
Delsemme Armand Univ of Toledo Toledo OH USA
Desesquelles Jean Universite Lyon 1 Villeurbanne France
d’Hendecourt Louis Universite Paris XI Orsay France
Diercksen Geerd MPA Garching Germany
Dimitrijevic Milan Astronomical Observ Beograd Yugoslavi
Dubau Jacques Observ DARC Meudon France
Dufay Maurice Universite Lyon 1 Villeurbanne France
Dulieu Francois U Cergy Pontoise Cergy Pontoise France
Eidelsberg Michele Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Epstein Gabriel NASA GSFC Greenbelt MD USA
Feautrier Nicole Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Federici Luciana Univ d Bologna Bologna Italy
Federman Steven Univ of Toledo Toledo OH USA
Fillion Jean-Hugues DAMAP Observ Meudon France
Fink Uwe Univ of Arizona Tucson AZ USA
Flower David Univ of Durham Durham UK
Fluri Dominique M. ETH Zurich Zurich Switzerland
Fraser Helen J. Scottish Univ. Phys. Alliance Glasgow UK
Fuhr Jeffrey NIST Gaithersburg MD USA
Gabriel Alan Universite Paris XI Orsay France
Gallagher III John Univ Wisconsin Madison WI USA
Gargaud Muriel Observ Floirac France
Glagolevskij Juri SAO Karachaevo Russia
Grant Ian Mathematical Inst.Oxford Oxford UK
Hartman Henrik Lund Observatory Lund Sweden
Hesser James DAO Victoria BC Canada
Hoang Binh Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Horacek Jiri Charles Univ., Inst. of Physics Prague Czech Republic
House Lewis Louisville CO USA
Huber Martin Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen PSI Switzerland
Huebner Walter Southwest Res Inst San Antonio TX USA
Ignjatovic Ljubinko M. Inst. of Physics Belgrade Serbia
Iliev Ilian Ntl Astronomical Observ Smoljan Bulgaria
Irwin Alan Univ of Victoria Victoria BC Canada
Irwin Patrick G.J. Univ. of Oxford Oxford UK
Jamar Claude Univ Liege Liege Belgium
Johnson Donald NIST Gaithersburg MD USA
Johnson Fred California State Univ Fullerton CA USA
Joly Francois Univ Bordeaux Talence France
Jordan Carole Univ of Oxford Oxford UK
Jorgensen Uffe Copenhagen Univ Copenhagen Denmark
Jorissen Alain Univ. Libre de Bruxelles Brussels Belgium
Kanekar Nissim NRAO Socorro NM USA
Kato Takako Nagoya Univ Nagoya Japan
Kennedy Eugene Ntl Inst Higher Education Dublin Ireland
Kerber Florian ESO Garching Germany
Kielkopf John Univ of Louisville Louisville KY USA
Kim Zong Pyongyang Astron Observ Pyongyang Korea DPR
Kingston Arthur Queen’s Univ Belfast UK
Kipper Tonu Tartu Observ Tartumaa Estonia
Kirby Kate CfA Cambridge MA USA
Kohl John CfA Cambridge MA USA
Kramida Alexander NIST Gaithersburg MD USA
Kroto Harold Florida State Univ. Tallahassee FL USA
Kuan Yi-Jehng National Taiwan Normal Univ. Taiwan Prov. of China
Kupka Friedrich Max Planck Institute Garching Germany
Kurucz Robert CfA Cambridge MA USA
Lambert David Univ of Texas Austin TX USA
Landman Donald Mission Res Corp Santa Barbara USA
Lang James Rutherford Appleton Lab Chilton Didcot UK
Langhoff Stephenie NASA ARC Moffett Field CA USA
Launay Francoise Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Launay Jean-Michel Observ Meudon France
Lawrence G Univ of Colorado Boulder CO USA
Lawler Jim Univ. Wisconsin Madison WI USA
Layzer David Belmont MA USA
Le Bourlot Jacques Observ DAEC Meudon France
Le Floch Andre Universite Tours Tours France
Leach Sydney Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Leger Alain Universite Paris XI Orsay France
Lemaire Jean-Louis Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Linnartz Harold Leiden Obs. Leiden Netherlands
Loulergue Michelle Observ ARPEGES Meudon France
Lovas Francis NIST / Optical Tech Div Gaithersburg MD USA
Lutz Barry N Arizona Univ Flagstaff AZ USA
Maillard Jean-Pierre IAP Paris France
Martin William NIST Gaithersburg MD USA
Mashonkina Lyudmila INASAN Moscow Russia
Mason Helen Dpt Appl Maths/Theor Phys Cambridge UK
McWhirter R Rutherford Appleton Lab Chilton Didcot UK
Mickelson Michael Denison Univ Granville OH USA
Mihajlov Anatolij A. Inst. of Physics Belgrade Serbia
Monier Richard Univ.Montpellier II Montpellier France
Morton Donald C. Herzberg Inst. Victoria BC Canada
Mumma Michael NASA GSFC Greenbelt MD USA
Nahar Sultana N. Ohio State Univ. Columbus OH USA
Nave Gillian NIST Gaithersburg MD USA
Newsom Gerald Ohio State Univ Columbus OH USA
Nicholls Ralph York Univ North York ON Canada
Nilsson Hampus Lund Observatory Lund Sweden
Nussbaumer Harry ETH Zentrum Zurich Switzerla
Obi Shinya Univ of the Air Chiba Japan
O’Brian Thomas NIST Gaithersburg MD USA
Oetken L Wildenbruch Germany
Oka Takeshi Univ of Chicago Chicago IL USA
Omont Alain IAP Paris France
Orton Glenn CALTECH/JPL Pasadena CA USA
Ozeki Hiroyuki Inst Molecular Science Okazaki Japan
Palmeri Patrick Dpt Astrophysique/Spectroscopie Mons Belgium
Parkinson William CfA Cambridge MA USA
Peach Gillian UCLO London UK
Pei Chunchuan Purple Mountain Observ CAS Nanjing China PR
Peterson Ruth Univ. California Palo Alto CA USA
Petrini Daniel Observ Nice Nice France
Petropoulos Basil Res Ctr Astronomy Athens Greece
Pettini Marco Osserv Astrofis Arcetri Firenze Italy
Piacentini Ruben Observ Rosario Argentina
Pradhan Anil Ohio State Univ Columbus OH USA
Prieto Carlos Univ. of Texas Austin, Texas USA
Querci Francois OMP Toulouse France
Quinet Pascal UMH Mons Belgium
Ralchenko Yuri NIST Gaithersburg MD USA
Ramirez Jose M. Centro de Fisica, IVIC Caracus Venezuela
Redman Matthew P. National Univ. of Ireland Galway Ireland
Rogers Forrest LLNL Livermore CA USA
Ross John Univ of Queensland Brisbane Australia
Rostas Francois Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Roueff Evelyne Observ DAF Meudon France
Ruder Hanns Physik Univ Tuebingen Tuebingen Germany
Rudzikas Zenonas Inst Theor Physics/ Astronomy Vilnius Lithuania
Ryabchikova Tanya Inst of Astronomy Moscow Russia
Sahal-Brechot Sylvie Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Salama Farid NASA-Ames Moffett Field CA USA
Sarre Peter J. Univ. of Nottingham Nottingham UK
Savanov Igor Crimean Astrophys Observ Crimea Ukraine
Schrijver Johannes SRON Utrecht Netherlan
Seaton Michael Chatsworth Bwlch Powys UK
Sharp Christopher Univ of Arizona Tucson AZ USA
Shematovich Valerij I. INASAN Moscow Russia
Shore Bruce LLNL Livermore CA USA
Sinha K Indira Gandhi Planet Lucknow India
Smith Peter L. CfA Cambridge MA USA
Smith Wm Washington Univ St Louis MO USA
Song In-Ok Sejong Univ. Seoul Rep. of Korea
Sorensen Gunnar Univ of Aarhus Aarhus Denmark
Spielfiedel Annie Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Stancil Philip C. Univ. of Georgia Athens GA USA
Stark Glenn Wellesley College Wellesley MA USA
Stehle Chantal Observ DARC Meudon France
Strachan Leonard Jr CfA Cambridge MA USA
Strelnitski Vladimir Maria Mitchell Observ Nantucket MA USA
Summers Hugh UK Culham Lab Abingdon UK
Sutherland Ralph S. Mt. Stromlo Obs. Canberra Australia
Takayanagi Kazuo Tokyo Japan
Tatum Jeremy Univ of Victoria Victoria BC Canada
Tayal Swaraj S. Clark Atlanta Univ. Atlanta, GA USA
Tchang-Brillet Lydia Observ DAMAP Meudon France
Tennyson Jonathan Univ. College London London UK
Thorne Anne P. Imperial College London London UK
Tozzi Gian Osserv Astrofis Arcetri Firenze Italy
Tran Minh Nguyet Observ DAMAP Meudon France
van Dishoeck Ewine F. Leiden Observ Leiden Netherlan
van Eck Sophie Univ. Libre de Bruxelles Brussels Belgium
van Rensbergen Walter Astrofysisch Inst Brussel Belgium
Varshalovich Dimitrij Ioffe Physical Tech Inst St Petersburg Russia
Voelk Heinrich MPI Kernphysik Heidelberg Germany
Volonte Sergio ESA Paris France
Vujnovic Vladis Univ of Zagreb Zagreb Croatia
Wahlgren Glenn Catholic Univ. America Washington DC USA
Wiese Wolfgang NIST Gaithersburg MD USA
Wilson Robert UCLO London UK
Winnewisser Gisbert Univ Koeln Koeln Germany
Wunner Guenter Ruhr Univ Bochum Bochum Germany
Yoshino Kouichi CfA Cambridge MA USA
Young Louise San Diego State Univ San Diego CA USA
Yu Yan Univ of Rochester Rochester NY USA
Zeippen Claude Observ DAEC Meudon France
Zeng Qin Purple Mountain Observ Nanjing China PR
Zhao Gang National Astron. Obs., CAS Beijing China PR
Zirin Harold CALTECH Pasadena CA USA
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