Астрофизический семинар ИНАСАН № 254 (18 июля 2013 г., 11:00)
Posted: 18/07/2013Докладчик: Мейсон П. (Университет Техаса в Эль-Пасо, США)
Название доклада: “Исследования обитаемости систем двойных звезд”
Краткое содержание доклада:
We report a mechanism capable of reducing (or increasing) stellar activity in binary stars, thereby potentially enhancing (or destroying) circumbinary habitability. In single stars, stellar aggression towards planetary atmospheres causes mass-loss, which is especially detrimental for late-type stars, because habitable zones are very close and activity is long lasting. In binaries, tidal rotational breaking reduces magnetic activity, thus reducing harmful levels of XUV radiation and stellar mass-loss that are able to erode planetary atmospheres. We find that main sequence twins provide minimal flux variation and in some cases improved environments, if the stars rotationally synchronize within the first Gyr. Solar-like twins, like Kepler 34 and Kepler 35, provide low habitable zone XUV fluxes and stellar wind pressures. These potentially support multiple habitable planets. On the other hand, Kepler 16 appears to be inhospitable to planets due to extreme XUV flux. These results have important implications for estimates of the number of stellar systems containing habitable planets in the Galaxy and allow for the selection of binaries suitable for follow-up searches for habitable planets.