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Posts by: Виталий Акимкин

Astrophysical Seminar (15 December 2022, 11:00)

The seminar will be held in a mixed format 1) Speaker: D.A. Kovaleva (INASAN) Title: “Mass function of the open star clusters in the Milky Way” Abstract: see Russian version Sign up for the seminar

Astrophysical Seminar (8 December 2022, 11:00)

The seminar will be held in a mixed format 1) Speaker: I.S. Potravnov (ISTP SB RAS, INASAN) Title: “Chemicaly peculiar stars at early evolutionary stages” Abstract: see Russian version Sign up for the seminar

Astrophysical Seminar (1 December 2022, 11:00)

The seminar will be held in a mixed format 1) Speaker: D.A. Kononov (INASAN) Title: “On the first direct detection of the precessional spiral density wave in the accretion disk of the close binary system V455 And” Abstract: see Russian version Sign up for the seminar

Astrophysical Seminar (3 November 2022, 11:00)

The seminar will be held in a mixed format 1) Speaker: Yu.A. Fadeyev (INASAN) Title: “Hydrodynamic models of pulsation period decrease in the Mira-type variable T UMi” Abstract: see Russian version Sign up for the seminar

Astrophysical Seminar (20 October 2022, 11:00)

The seminar will be held online 1) Speaker: I.M. Volkov (SAI MSU) Title: “New value of apsidal rotation speed and physical parameters of the triple eclipsing system AS Cam” Abstract: see Russian version

Astrophysical Seminar (13 October 2022, 11:00)

The seminar will be held in a mixed format 1) Speaker: N.R. Ikhsanov (Pulkovo Observatory) Title: “On the spin-up epoch of the white dwarf in AR Scorpii” Abstract: see Russian version Sign up for the seminar

Reports on dissertations of INASAN PhD students (28 September 2022, 11:00)

1) Speaker: E.S. Kalinicheva Title: “Study of the evolution of exoplanet atmospheres” Abstract: see Russian version 2) Speaker: L.A. Maksimova Title: “Influence of Convective Instability and Self-Shading Effects on the Structure and Evolution of a Protoplanetary Disk” Abstract: see Russian version 3) Speaker: O.L. Ryabukhina Title: “A study of molecular filaments in star-forming region” Abstract:

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