Объединенный семинар ИНАСАН (11 декабря 2015 г., 11:00)
Опубликовано: 11/12/2015Докладчик: П. Джерам (главный инженер по фотоприемным устройствам, e2v), К. Татард (вице президент по продуктам, e2v)
Название доклада: “Возможности и технологии компании e2v для астрономических и космических приложений “
Краткое содержание доклада:
Image sensors for space applicationsThis will include details of the large number of new CCD sensors designed for ESA’s Living Planet (Copernicus) programme and new CMOS imagers designed for metrological satellites MTG and METimage. We will also cover image sensors designed for space science applications such as solar physics and high resolution earth observation
Image sensors for astronomy. We will discuss details of recent devices design for astronomy focal planes including the increasing use of HiRho CCDs, a new CMOS imager for astronomy and a large area electron multiplied CCD as well as CCD and CMOS sensors available and under development for adaptive optics.
Image sensor technology: This will cover new image sensor technology developments that are relevant to space applications, topics will include; TDI CMOS where good performance has now been demonstrated after radiation, development in backthinning technology including the backthinning of CMOS sensors and other advances in CMOS technology for high volume applications that could be relevant to space. The presentation will also include the use of our sensors in extreme radiation environments for free electron lasers. Finally we will highlight the key new technologies areas that we will be developing of the next two years including work on new anti-reflection coatings.
Imaging subsystems and technology: We will cover the technology developed for ground base astronomy including JPAS and the Korean Microlensing Telescope (KMT), for space for WUVS and for detector systems for free electron lasers. This will include plans for future development of imaging subsystems for the future.