
Объединенный семинар ИНАСАН (3 июля 2015 г., 11:00)

Опубликовано: 03/07/2015

Докладчик: Gang Zhao (NAOC, Китай).

Название доклада: “Обзорные наблюдения на телескопе LAMOST”

Краткое содержание доклада:

LAMOST is an impressive and highly innovative astronomical facility, unique worldwide. It comprises a 4 meter reflective Schmidt telescope with a large active segmented reflecting corrector and a focal plane with a robotic 4000 fiber positioning system which feeds 16 spectrographs capable of a range of dispersions. The combination of its wide field and large aperture offers unique prospects for major breakthroughs in studies of Galactic structure and extragalactic astronomy. After the commissioning phase and a one-year pilot survey since 2009, LAMOST has been operating in regular survey mode since Sept. 2012. Up till now, we released over 3 million spectra with R = 1800, and a number of interesting and important results have been obtained based on LAMOST data.

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